AEG Viet Nam

Country: Vietnam
Address:66-68 Vo Van Tan, D3, HCMC

About AEG Viet Nam

AEG offers the top STEAM English program in Vietnam, and is the only school in the region to be certified by AdvancED, an American STEAM Certification with a very high standard. The STEAM English program is a dynamic way to teach and learn, where students build projects and engage with English in a hands-on way, and is offered to students from ages 4 to 16. AEG also offers international certification exam preparation courses and has helped many students achieve their desired results on exams such as IELTS / TOEFL / SSAT / SAT.

We have 3 Campus:



AEG Viet Nam

Address:66-68 Vo Van Tan, D3, HCMC
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